
everyone knows.
everyone knows the mess that's being made of me.
I got through the day, thinking about you.
sure, i flirt with others
but it's you that's alway on my mind.
i try to focus on school work , but you always find a way to creep back into my thoughts.
and when the day's done, i make plans.
i don't want to go home.
so i fill my schedule, with ways to keep you off my mind.
everyone knows, i'm falling apart without you.
they try to give me everything else they know makes me happy.
but at the end of the day i still need to go home.
i don't want to go home.
i don't want to get bored.
cause when i get bored, you once again creep into my head.
when i'm with them , i'm thinking about you.
when i'm with him , i'm thinking about you.
when i'm all alone , i'm thinking about you.
and at the end of the day, all the friends in the world and the busiest schedule in the world 
can't keep you out of my mind.
during the day, it's all sunshine and lollipops.
but when i go home and have time to myself, time to think, that front comes crashing down.
you're tearing me apart.
everyone can tell.
everyone but you.
everyone hates you.
everyone but me.
i love you. <3