
Never Satisfied.

What was it ? ; I have no idea.
It wasn't your good looks
Or how nice you were.
Cause in this situation; none of those apply.
All I know is that it was there.
For what reason, I don't know.
All I really know is that you must've been different
Cause it doesn't usually work the way it did.
Usually when someone asks me why?; I have an answer.
And right about now, I should be hating you.
Just like everyone else who's on my side.
But somehow I don't.
it's not hate; but It's definitely not love.
Yet for some reason I'm still not satisfied.
I know I should be happy; things didn't exactly crash and burn.
And I know I should be sad; things didn't exactly work out the way I wished they would've.
Yet I'm neither happy or sad.
Why ?; I don't know.
You tell me.

I should feel accomplished; I have nothing left to give, or say to you.
but I still feel like I do.
All I really know is that what we had is gone
and I can't do anything about it
and I don't think I want to
I'm not sure what it is I want to do.