
Could you be a little more predictable, please ?

People are always saying how predictability pisses them off.
yes, I may have been one of those people.
But everyone has their limits, right ?

I always thought you'd be the type to keep an open mind.
you know, never say never ?
You'd left me breathless before but never like this.
Cause as those words floated out of your mouth and formed a noose around my neck;
I reilized you were just being unpredictable.
and technically I was forewarned.

I know it was said a while ago and you're opinions may have changed.
and maybe you're in a different position now or maybe you just need to be proved wrong.

It hurts, you know.
To have a perfect picture in your head.
then for it to be shattered.

You've held my attention for this long.
I know it's not going anywhere anytime soon.
So for the time being I'll try and prove your theory wrong.

I mean,I should've seen it coming. I knew you had your guard up.
but i didnt know how strong it was.
and now I know.
The only word I can use to describe how I'm feeling right now is shocked.
Because now none of what I was thinking makes sense.
I knew I didn't know you.
And that's not what I was trying to say.
The point is that I want to get to know you;
and I want you to get to know me.