
nightwalker .

I'm what you'd call a night walker.
Every night at 12 am ,
when everyone in my house is sound asleep,
I tuck my stuffed animals under my sheets,
turn off my lights
and climb out my window .
I walk barefooted to the river down the street from my house .
I sit on a large rock under a dim light and after a few minutes a small family of bunnies come out
I feed them whatever I can get my hands on and pet them.
I tell whatever will listen my problems because in my opinion,
everything has a soul .
even if it's just a bunny, the trees, or the waves .
they all react.
maybe you don't notice it, but i do .
the trees, they whisper in response .
the waves, they always wave back .

some people might think it's weird .
but the night , it clears my mind.
even if the day's been a complete disaster .

it's like the riverside is my Oprah and I'm a washed up celebrity past the point of rehabilitation .
Magically, it fixes everything .