
like the singer that sings the blues; you saw hope in the hopeless.

You give me that look.
like you've changed your mind about me.
I'd ask you to stop;
when you look at me like that it makes me want to cry,
I feel like you're looking though my eyes and into my heart.
I don't want you to know what I'm really feeling, I don't want to seem
vulnerable towards you.
But I don't want you to stop;
I'm doing everything I can to change your mind.
I don't want to be the one to bring it up.
everytime I'm about to, I worry about your reaction.
the truth is -- i love you.


Shutup and put your money where your mouth is.

I know I should want this to stop
but I really don't mind.
All I know is; I want you mine and I want to be
the one who you'd do anything for.

"Remember what you told me?"



I'm getting sick of you.
The little smiley faces I put at the end of every message.
Cause when I read my messages I sound as happy as can be.
I hate to admit it but the truth is; I'm not.

But don't worry about me, I'm fine. (:

all I know.

You're gonna read this
and I'm gonna sit back, embarrassed.
Wondering what you're thinking.
Then after you read it, you'll make a comment.
And I'll over analyse it for the rest of the day

and wonder what you were actually thinking.



P.S You're amazing

I may have forgotten to mention some of the details.
But it's not too late to fill you in, is it ? (:
You're cute.
You make me smile.
I trust you.
you're amazing.
and I want you mine.
is that okay with you ?

This always happens to me.
When people are expecting me to let it out and cry, I hold it all in.
I hold it in for too long and tell myself and others that I don't want to talk about it.
When the truth is, it's all I want to talk about and all I think about.
But crying about it after the fact isn't okay.
Not for me, it's not.
I hate being alone on nights like these,
when I'm left in an empty room with nothing but my thoughts.

I just want you to know there's other guys out there who mean something to me.

I know I said I never would
but I miss you.
Well maybe not you.
But us.
I miss us.
We were simple, I never had to worry.
I knew you and you knew me.
I liked you and you loved me.

Can I have it back now ?

You're quite the hypocrite, love.
"Don't fall for me." It wasn't my fault, you know it too.
"I never want to be the one to hurt you." It's tOo late, we both know it.
"I see they way they look at you, Every guy is going to want you and any gUy would be lucky to have you." Bullshit, if that was true things wouldn't be this way, now would they?
"You're gonna get everything you deserve. One day you'll have someone just as amazing as you." I don't deserve this and why do I have to wait for one day when you're right here?

that's it.
I've had enough.
I'm not gonna wait for one day.
I give up.
Call me when you're ready.
I'll be Here.
I'll miss you.


I feel as THough i'm awake in a dream.
but thIngs arN't as good as they seem.
when you're dreaming, you don't have to be afraid.
i'm afraid, K ?
I'm scared to death
and i'm beginning to wonder when comes the time that I have to wake up.

it's nOt that I want to,
i'm just afraid of what's coming nExt
and I dOn't want to be.

take my fear away?




"I hate you." The words floated out of my smile and formed a smile on your face.
"No you don't." you replied with a smile. We both knew you were right.
The truth is, I far from hate you.
But the painful truth is, I don't want you to think I believe half the things you say.
I tried so hard not to get attached this time, but it's clearly too late
and now I'm left scared to death of one of the things I want most.

I avoid eye contact cause I don't want to be easy to read.
I hide my smile cause I don't want you to know,
but it's you that I need.


there's a monster that takes over me.

Day in and day out you sit on my shoulders.
Watching and judging my every move.
Your weight is heavy and it slows me down
but as you stare down on me you beg for me to speed up.


I lie awake and try so hard not to think of you but who can decide what they dream and dream I do..

Dreams, what are they meant for ?
Everytime I'm having a good dream, i wake up and realize it's not real.
Maybe they're there to show you what things would be like if everything was the way you wanted it to be.

Nightmares, what are they meant for?
I get panicked.
I wake up in a sweat, sometimes in tears, only to realize it's not real.
Maybe they're there to show you how lucky really are and that you should be thankful.

but what if you can't tell weather you're having a nightmare or not?
How are you suppossed to know what to do?, to strive for what has happend in the dream or be thankful what's happening in the dream isn't your reality.


you suck the life right out of me.

This Is killing me, you know.
I'm stuck.
I keep slipping.
I'm so lost, and I needed an escape from reality.
People Wonder why I keep going back to you.
but the thing is you seem so unreAl, that you take my mind off of the thiNgs that are real.
You make Them seem less real, you make everything seem less real.
It's nOt me when I'm with you because something like this woUld never happen to me.
noT in a million years.
You're all I think about.
I hate it.
I hate you.
I Need you.
Let me Out,