
They say oppostie's atract but I'm not too sure about that.

I can tell you think you know who I am,
you look through me like you know me inside and out.
But do you really ?
I haven't said half there is to say
so please, before you go
and make your assumptions.

We're ready, you know it too.
the world isn't waiting on us anymore
it's us waiting on them.
and I can't wait for the fun to begin. (:

I can smell the fear in your breath
and I can see it in your eyes.
You've got too much talent to be hiding behind these lies.
do remember growing up and wishing you were a princess in a faraway land?
do you still dream?
or did you lose your dreams along with the memories from last night?
what are you afraid of?
-"Oh, sweetheart put the bottle down. You've got too much talent."

Before you go, I just wanna say;
I'm sorry, for everything I ever did that was wrong,
like the time I ran away to the park, or the time I didn't come home from school,
having to get picked up from the principals office and wanting to break every rule.
I know I've said some pretty hurtful things that we both know I didn't mean.
and I've caused only the most embarrassing of scenes.
It's hard, to go through this right now.
cause I can't imagine how life would be without you.
I know you're going to send me away, don't feel bad.
you're right it is best for me.
I can't guarantee I will but I can promise I'll try my hardest to make you proud.
I'm scared that when I say thank you I might have to thank the sky.
I love you all the numbers.


All I'm asking is don't make promises you can't keep,
and don't say things you don't mean because in the end,
those things mean everything.

girl: rumor has it, you like me.
boy: no, truth has it i love you.

wouldn't it be ironic,
if at this moment you were thinking of me
as i was thinking of you?