
You are amazing.
I hope you know that.
I'm not gonna lie, we've had major disagreements and there's been times when you've made me as jelous as can be.
But over the years, you've taught me alot.
I'd say I hate the fact that we go days, sometimes weeks without seeing each other.
But the truth is I don't mind.
Because I've got sooo many memories to look back at and I know, the next time we do see each other we'll make so many more.
I know, no matter how mad you are at me, I can come to you when somethings really wrong and everything will be okay again.
What's great about you, is thinking back to most of our fights, I was the one who was wrong and in most cases you were only mad because you were looking out for me and trying to make me happier.
I hope you know, I'm always here for you.
No matter what time of day,
what I'm doing,
who I'm with,
or where I am.
If something's ever wrong or amazingly greeeat, I want to know.
I want to be the first one you call.


ps, don't ever change.