

I keep having these dreams, they seem so real.
I'd do anything to make sure they weren't real.
Is it bad that this time I'm praying my dreams don't come true.

Oh, how badly I wish they'd come down already.


"I don't want you to leave my side."

welcome to my world, babe.
I miss you more.


what can you say?

That wasn't enough.
You couldn't just wave it in front of my face.
You just had to slap me across the face with it and rub it in, didn't you?
You just had to.
It's only human.
I'm only human.
Apperently you're not.
you're better than that.
I've come to realize, it's true.
They say the people who have the most, so to speak, are the lonliest.
They lead the lonliest lives.
Fake friends and lots of money are nothing.
It's unfourunate.
People don't see it.
The players and the popular girls.
Are as lonley as can be.
it's only human.
don't be jelous.


You are amazing.
I hope you know that.
I'm not gonna lie, we've had major disagreements and there's been times when you've made me as jelous as can be.
But over the years, you've taught me alot.
I'd say I hate the fact that we go days, sometimes weeks without seeing each other.
But the truth is I don't mind.
Because I've got sooo many memories to look back at and I know, the next time we do see each other we'll make so many more.
I know, no matter how mad you are at me, I can come to you when somethings really wrong and everything will be okay again.
What's great about you, is thinking back to most of our fights, I was the one who was wrong and in most cases you were only mad because you were looking out for me and trying to make me happier.
I hope you know, I'm always here for you.
No matter what time of day,
what I'm doing,
who I'm with,
or where I am.
If something's ever wrong or amazingly greeeat, I want to know.
I want to be the first one you call.


ps, don't ever change.

metaphors can't save me.

There you were, once again.
It was late, as usual.
And you just had to show up.
I peered up from what i was doing and there you were, staring me down.
Intimidating as hell.
You crept towards me, your eyes stared deeply into mine, as though you were reading my every though.
You pushed me back into the corner of the dark room.
What had once seem like such a cluttered room now seemed way too empty and spacious.
You continued to stare me down, scaring me to death.
You spit in my face
and told me everything I already knew.
"You're worthless."
"You'll never be good enough."
"Don't get your hopes up."
You hovered inches from my face and told me you wouldn't be leaving until you got everything you wanted from me.
So, you took what you wanted and with one more dirty look you left.
And there I was, once again.
In a cluttered room.

Stop trying to save me, I don't need your help.
I can do this on my own.



Ornithophobia: The fear of birds.
I've been afraid of birds for the longest time.
I've always said that I didn't know why.
I'm jelouse.
I so badly want to fly.
but at the exact same time I'm so badly afraid to.


It doesn't matter.

It was way past midnight, you had to be leaving soon.
Laying on the cold ground with a blanket and some pillows,
the credits had began rolling and the backyard looked like something out of a fairytale.
Christmas lights lining the fences and stars sprinkled evenly across the night sky.
the slight sounds of the projector whirring and my best friends gossiping in the tent behind us comforted me and made me realize
there was nowhere else in the world I'd rather be.
Lying nose to nose with nothing to say has never been so unakward and simple
and a simple hug has never meant so much to me.
It doesn't matter, iloveyou.


I hate you. (:
well, not really.
I just say that when you make me sad.

I'll miss you.
miss me back ? (:

I did it.
Me, with no one's help.
I always told myself I didn't need anyone else.
But I never really believed myself, not until now.
I did this all on my own.